Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School

Year 3

Staff Members

Class Teacher Mrs Allison 
Teaching Assistants

Mrs McKenna

Mrs Cubbin

School Day

Class door open from 8:45am

Start of the school day: 8:55am

Morning break: 10:30am – 10:45am

Lunch: 12pm – 12.50pm

End of the school day: 3:15pm 


P.E. days are Monday and Thursday. Children are asked to come into school wearing their P.E. kit. 

Class Information

Reading Books

School follows accelerated reading scheme. Each pupil reads in class daily and will take a quiz on the book that they have read. We ask that you support your child with their reading as much as possible at home by reading with them at least 3 times a week. This is essential in enabling them to become fluent readers and in reinforcing the skills learnt. Please sign their reading records and return the books to school daily.


Times Tables & Homework

Year 3 will continue to be learning times tables. Each pupil has a log in for Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) please encourage your child to do as much as possible. 

Spellings will be sent out each Monday for the week.



Bagels are available each morning (before school starts) at no cost.



There is access to drinking water as required.  Children are encouraged to bring in their own reusable water bottle.


Class Dojo

Please sign up to Class Dojo.  Here, you can keep track of what is going on in class and school. You can also receive any messages/updates and contact the class teacher with any queries. 


If you require any further information, please contact the school office.  


Autumn 2023 

Spring 2024 

 Summer 2024