Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School


Mental Health and Wellbeing Vision

As a whole school, we strongly believe that our mental health and wellbeing is of central importance and intrinsic to our lives.

We believe having a mentally healthy community is not about being happy all the time, but about working together through the challenges and sharing the celebrations; feeling supported, heard, accepted, valued and empowered.

We acknowledge that external challenges and factors can sometimes be a barrier to our capacity to learn. Community is incredibly important to us – everyone of us has a part to play whether a parent, staff member, pupil or Governor. We strive to help those who reach out to us in our school community to develop the skills to ensure that we are all aware of our need to be healthy both mentally and physically.



Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy



Parents are the first educators of their children and should be involved in their primary education whenever possible.

It is really important that parents feel welcome supported by our school and that they, in turn, appreciate the work that their children and our staff put in.

Parents will not be contacted by staff outside of weekday working hours.

Our school prides itself on the pastoral support that we give our families. We have a dedicated Pastoral Lead, Mrs Wickstead, who works in many ways to support our families:

  • dedicated Pastoral Support role
  • Early Help support - providing individual, personalised support depending on family requirements
  • Signposting parents for further support such as Parenting 2000
  • Organising additional support for parents internally, e.g. reading sessions
  • Organising awareness sessions for parents with external agencies, e.g.:
    • Family Cookery course
    • Friday wellbeing for parents - exercise and meditation
  • Coffee mornings for parents to come into school in a relaxed environment
  • raising awareness with parents for specific issues such as ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
  • 1:1 appointments are available


Our schools is a calm environment, a safe haven, for all who visit our school. We want pupils to feel happy and safe, so their wellbeing is always a priority for us.

Every pupil has the opportunity to thrive - in all aspects of the curriculum - but also socially and emotionally.  

In 2021, we have introduced a Nurture Hub which is the centre for our wellbeing programme. Lead by our Pastoral Lead, Mrs Wickstead.

We believe in Quality First in the classroom for many areas of the social development of a child, but including mental health and wellbeing. 

In September, pupils from Y2-6 undertake an online survey called 'PASS' - Pupils' Attitude to Self and School. This baseline is analysed and allows us to liaise with any parents about concerns about a child, but to also tailor a programme of intervention for their wellbeing needs.

The baseline is repeated at the end of the year so that we can measure the impact of the year.

During the course of the year, we also ask pupils for their feedback on many aspects of school life.